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Vehicle Planning, Scheduling and Dispatching

Vehicle Planning, Scheduling and Dispatching (VPSD) system provides a mechanism where business users can create vehicle schedules and crew duties for multiple routes. NEC’s VPSD consists of following 5 features, which are:
- a.Master Data Management which will provide business users functionality of defining / configuring master data. User will be using these features to create stops, create routes, vehicle schedules and duties e.g., stop type, route type, station type and service type.
- b.Station-Stops Management which will provide business users functionality of creating/ modifying Stations-stops that will be required in creating routes e.g., create station-stops, modify stop location, add facilities to each stop (Wi-Fi service, drinking water, etc), search station-stops, etc.
- c.Route Management. Routes means a path defined from a source stop to a destination stop with sequence of defined fixed stops lying in between. Route Management module will provide business users functionality of creating/ modifying routes that will be required in creating vehicle schedules e.g., create/edit routes, search/view routes, active/inactive routes, etc.
- d.Vehicle Schedule Management which will provide user’s functionality of creating/ modifying vehicle schedules which will be required in creating crew duties and crew schedules. This will also help us in identifying the number of vehicles required for a specific schedule e.g., create/edit vehicle schedule, search/view vehicle schedule, active/inactive vehicle schedule, etc.
- e.Crew Schedule Management which will provide user’s functionality of creating the Crew schedules (automatically) that will be required by DMS in generating crew rosters. These crew schedule will be a combination of duties (spread over shifts) that will be created based on business rules (spread over time, platform time and other factors / regulations defined in Indian Motor Vehicle act) e.g., Auto Create Crew Schedule with considering i. Duty/ Platform Time (Hours), ii. Spread Over Time (Hours), iii. Tea Break Time, iv. Lunch Break Time, v. Incidental Time (Minutes), etc.

The objective of Vehicle Planning Scheduling and Dispatch system is to enable / help Transport planners in performing following tasks efficiently and effectively. NEC’s provides VPSD system as a comprehensive tool for managing schedule master data, has simple interface for planners with flexible time table for vehicle and crew scheduling, including route optimization features for operation cost reduction and load factor improvement.