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Warehouse Management System
Are the inventory quantity and numbers accurate?
Is it properly shipped according to the “FIFO” : first in, first out rule?
Why does inventory work take so long?
A defective Lot in stock has been discovered, and some have already been delivered!
NEC offers you a flexible and mobile warehouse management system that answers the above challenges. With a simple mobile application to support the inventory management, you can have a reliable solution for your warehouse operation.
Inventory Management
Inventory Management
Create Plan and Book
Print out FG Label
Confirm Shipping FG
Raw Material
Raw Material
Receiving Raw Material
Check for Receive
Receiving by FIFO
Receiving Finish Goods
Receiving Finish Goods
Picking by FIFO
Receiving Finished
Goods from Production
Line to warehouse
Goods from Production
Line to warehouse
Put away
& Storing
& Storing
Put away & Storing
Issue Material by FIFO
Major Scenario
Receiving + Identification tag
It is possible to manage not only the number of items in stock and the storage location but also the arrival date, expiration date, supplier, lot information, etc.
Picking / Inventory Transfer
You can match the information of the "picking list" output from “Mobile WMS App” with the information of the scanned “Identification tag" on the handy terminal.
Stock counting with Handy Terminal
The scan information will be sent to “Mobile WMS App” . Then, the quantity of the system inventory and the actual inventory are matched.
Key Features
Fast implementation with all Essential Inventory Functionality
NEC support customization in case of specific business requirement
Multi-Language Support (English and Indonesian)
Possible to select On-premise or Cloud
How to use?
Put-Away & Stored
Raw material or Finished Goods+Identification tag (QR/Barcode/RFID)
Input order data to “Mobile WMS App”
Print out identification tag with Barcode or QR Code or RFID
Attach the printed identification tag to all received item
Information including QR code For example: Receiving Date, Supplier Name, Item Number, Item Name, LOT No., Qty, Expire Date, Shelf Info, etc.
★ Instant information of the goods provided by WMS apps
Deliver to Warehouse
Put-Away & Stored
Deliver goods with identification tags to the suggested shelf
★ Quickly catch the shelf information of each product
Picking/Inventory Transfer
Enter the picking information in “Mobile WMS App” before shipping or issuing (follow the first-in, first-out rule)
Input of
- Picking list
- Transfer information
- Issuing a picking transfer list
- Transfer list
- Picking
- Transfer instruction information from the picking list by Handy Terminal
Check and Confirm
Scan the Office Identification tag by the Handy Terminal to check whether the Lot is correct or not.
As a result of scanning, picking the matching item, and carrying it out.
Contains information For example: The quantities of items to be picked, lot number, shelf number, destination, etc.
★ OK : Tag ID will show in the list and you will be notified by the sound effect “ping pong”
NG : The handy terminal body vibrates with a "boo" sound.
NG : The handy terminal body vibrates with a "boo" sound.
Stock Counting with Handy Terminal
The user confirms "system inventory" and "actual inventory" on the screen on “Mobile WMS App”.
For items that do not match the quantity, inventory adjustment will be performed using the inventory difference confirmation function.
For items that do not match the quantity, inventory adjustment will be performed using the inventory difference confirmation function.
Scanning for all item
Confirm scanned results in the system
Adjust inventory in “Mobile WMS App” if there are differences
★ If the quantity does not match, adjust from the inventory result input / correction screen.
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